Welcome to the District 33 Brazos Valley AA website. This site provides information and resources on Alcoholics Anonymous and other recovery groups in Bryan and College Station, Texas as well as surrounding communities in the Brazos Valley.
If you have a desire to stop drinking for any reason whatever, or if you are looking for resources to help someone you know to stop drinking, you have come to the right place.
This site lists Meeting Schedules and News for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon (for family members and friends of alcoholics). There are also links to other useful websites on our Resources page. Beta.
Need Help? – 24-hour Phone: | (979) 353-2538 |
Information Email: | bvintergroup@gmail.com |
District 33 Meeting, Saturday 9/21/2024 1:00 pm Zoom ID: 562 891 8717 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5628918717